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Skyrim Imperial Knight Armor

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The Imperial Helmet is a piece of heavy armor and part of the Imperial Armor set. It is fairly common and worn by many of the Imperial Legion soldiers stationed in Skyrim. Immersive Armors. Created by the same developer of Immersive Weapons, this mod adds new. Sep 08, 2016 Who came riding to Skyrim from great Cyrodiil! A lot of people requested a imperial set. I might have gone a little bit too far with the designs but hey, this set is meant to be used only by true hero's of the Empire! This set was originally owned by the imperial general Octavus Meriil.

*Skyrim Imperial Knight Armor

*Skyrim Imperial Knight Armor Enchantments

*Skyrim Imperial Knight Armor Weapons

*Skyrim Imperial Knight ArmorSkyrim Imperial Knight ArmorThe UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995Jump to: navigation, searchCreation:Civil War ChampionsReleasedDecember 6, 2018Size169MB (PC) / (?) (Xbox One) / (?) (PS4)Filenameccffbsse001-imperialdragon.eslAvailabilityPCAvailable from Creation Club for 600 CC CreditsOtherAlso available on Xbox One and PS4RequirementsPatchSpecial Edition Version War Champions

Civil War Champions is a Creation that adds new armor sets based on the Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks, as well as a quest in which you duel a champion of the opposing faction. It was released on December 6, 2018 for 600 CC Credits.

The Creation was primarily made by Borx25, while the quest was created by Kris Takahashi.Official Summary[edit]In the midst of an unending war, the Stormcloaks and Imperials have agreed to a duel. Two champions are to meet on the field of battle, to decide once and for all whose warriors are the fiercest. Choose a side, don the armor of the champion, and prove your mettle. Created by Borja 'Borx25' Franco. Quest created by Kris Takahashi.Content[edit]

21 items are included with the Creation, with a full set of champion's armor and weapons for each of the warring factions.BooksSkyrim Imperial Knight Armor EnchantmentsItemsNPCsSkyrim Imperial Knight Armor WeaponsQuestNotes[edit]

*The Creation also includes two unique items, the Imperial Dragon Cloak and Storm-Bear Cloak, both of which are unobtainable.

*This Creation received an update in February 2019 which modified the textures for both sets of armor.Skyrim Imperial Knight ArmorRetrieved from ''





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